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Shenyang Beiya Beverage Machinery Co., Ltd. |
Set up in 2003, Shenyang Beiya Beverage Machinery Co., Ltd. Is located in Shenyang, China. The main product of our company is gable top carton beverage filling machine, such as: Juice filling machine, milk filling machine, yogurt filling machine, cream filling machine, other liquid filling machine, and small powder filling machine. Shenyang Beiya Beverage Machinery Co., Ltd. Is the first company in studying and producing gable top carton filling machines in China, and is specialized in this only field for about 10 years. It is a high-tech company concentrated with research, development and production together. The first set of gable top carton hot filling machine in China is designed and produced by us. Since then, gable top carton hot filling machine can be produced in China.. We also have exported to 17 countries. They are Kenya, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Congo, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Morocco, France, and Mongolia. We are regularly Selling: automatic juice filling machine, automatic milk filling machine, gable top carton filling machine, milk filling machine, juice filling machine, liquid egg filling machine, beverage filling machine, liquid filling machine, wine filling machine. |
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Contact Person: |
Alan Chiong |
Job Title: |
Sales Manager |
Location: |
China - Shandong Companies from China Trade Leads from China Products from China |
Classification(s): | Automobile - Auto Production Machinery |
Primary Business Type(s): |
Manufacturer More Manufacturers... |
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