1. To purchase land and construct, maintain and alter any buildings, houses, model
villages, apartments or to help the persons/companies concerned to construct houses or
apartments by advancing money and materials to them, either from the funds of the
company or from financial assistance made available for that purpose by financial
institutions, Government on guarantee of the company. 2. To purchase or cause to purchase and lend on hire-purchase basis vehicles such as
bicycles, auto rickshaws, Motor cars, lorries, buses, trucks, machineries such as, sewing
machines, computers, printing press, lathes and precision Instruments and machineries
necessary for funning electrical, mechanical and engineering workshops. 3. To run provision stores, stationery shops, spare parts shops, bookshops, hardware and
electrical good shops, shops for consumable articles, boarding houses and hotels or to
lend money to run such shops, houses and hotels. 4. To set up, run and manage piggery, poul We are regularly Selling: bricks, iron rod, cement, chips, hardware, electricals, houses, apartment. We are regularly Buying: bricks, iron rod, cement, chips, hardware, electricals, houses, land, buildings. |