Guangzhou Caihua NonWoven Bags Company LTD is one of the professional non-woven manufacturers in China. Our factory locates in Guangzhou, China. The environment and transportation are very convenient. Our factory have more than 1000 square meters, 100 members, and 120 sets sewing machine, meanwhile we aslo import many advanced equipments: such as ultrasonic, 4c offset printing, heat transfer machines.
We specialize in non-woven products, such as shopping bags, gift bags, cooler bags, promotional bags, garment bags, canvas bags, nylon backpacks, and all kinds of sewing products. Our prices are quite competitive, because we are also manufacturer of non-woven.
We offer service for numerous well-known firms: such as Pepsi, Yahoo, Wal-mart, IBM, Playboy, Mcdonald's, etc.
We enjoyed a good reputation from our old customers because of our high quality, good price and the best after- sales services. Small orders are also welcome. We are regularly Selling: nonwoven bag, shopping bag, handbag, paper bag, laminated nonwoven bag, plastic shopping bag, cooler bag. |