Alpha Genics a Costa Rica based laboratory is producing a highly developed line of Synthetic Testosterones, Growth factors, and Stem Cell enhancements that are used to treat a multitude of muscle wasting diseases such as HIV MS, Digestive Disorders Male sexual hormonal disorders, post surgery recovery Tendon tears, bone fractures and breaks Anaemia increase protein synthesis, and not to mention their ability to help achieve a feeling of well being. We currently stocking a small line of our newest products in Mexico and Brazil so they may be easily obtained for those who are in such desperate need of these types of medications developed for these very serious illnesses. We are regularly Selling: anabolic medications, growth factors, hiv medications, multiple sclerosis, muscle wasting, natural pathic, natural supplements, testosterones, virile medications. We are regularly Buying: hiv medications, liquid filters, medical supplies, medications, raw hormones, solvents, testosterones, vials, multiple sclerosis. |