Am‑cor inc. is a supplier of Ferrocement Kits, for homes, offices, churches, warehouses, apartments and
DIY. The
patented am-cor System is inherently disaster-
resistant &
fireproof. am-cor's Ferrocement technology is
green, sustainable, and healthy.
We provide Fast, Sustainable, Durable
Solutions in the form of Ferrocement
Construction Kits:
- Office, Retail, Service
- Fast Construction
- Less Material & Labor
- Ferrocement Homes
- Apartments, Townhouses
- Affordable/Low Cost, DIY
Environmental Community
- Sustainable Developments
- Planned Communities
- Affordable Construction
- Advanced Construction Tech. - Unibody, Monocoque Design
- Light Stress-Skin Panels
- High Strength-To-Weight Ratio
Standard Kits
- Prefab Kits & Standard Plans
- Residential, Commercial
- Contractors & DIY We are regularly Selling: am8209cor building system, prefab kits, ferrocement, structural building system, ferrocement homes, ferrocement kits, home kit, ferrocement construction, leed. We are regularly Buying: cold formed steel, construction hardware, galvanized steel, light gauge steel. |